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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Sept 12, 2020 7:29:45 GMT
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cait peered in the general direction of mauville, this particular view a familiar one. when she had served as its gym leader, she had often spent time peering at it from a distance; escaping its walls to marvel at its architecture. but it was proving difficult to feel remorse over her abrupt departure now, the girl willingly relinquishing her responsibilities in favor of partial freedom.

instead she felt a curious sort of apathy, one that caused her to merely shrug lightly as she dismounted her rapidash. after all, the city was in league hands; and they'd take care of it in her absence. 

i don't think i'll miss it."

her rapidash's gaze was leveled upon her just as hypno's had been, sharp and intelligent.

"and i doubt they'll miss me," she continued, her eyes narrowing a fraction. 

she had only ever been frustratingly mediocre at worst and average at best. perhaps she had utilized the excuse involving her family to vacate her seat, but she truly felt out of place when compared to her peers or her chain of command. 

'and now - ' 

cait resisted the urge to lick her lips, a very slight pressure originating form her skull at that moment - a light pulsation. she had suffered one or two headaches the past few days, the intense agony causing her mood to sour frequently. she found outlets in expanding her garden, in work that involved utilizing her gift to grow plants that spawned thorns and bitter roots. 

something was wrong - and she knew why - but she didn't dare face it. 

but with the war on the horizon, it was likely she'd be made to confront it. 

[ time - morning ]
[ weather -  cloudy ] 

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POSTED ON Sept 12, 2020 7:37:35 GMT
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The pressure of its descent must have felt like when a speeding car zoomed past too fast; the force seemed to pull in rather than push away.

It landed with a spiteful thump, taking a great pleasure in only half following orders and half being a menace. Like a child stomping up the stairs on its way to its room after being grounded.

Sénon knew next to nothing the day he'd caught this thing and study as he did in twenty-four hours most of what he needed to know was clearly as day just interacting with the thing and gauging its body language. "You miserable..." He started up quickly, jumping off its back to land almost just as recklessly as it had landed. "spiteful, ...." It turned to face him with a fury it couldn't hide. "...disobedient wretch." Their eyes locked as a pokeball hit the ground spawning a third set of angry eyes.

The new set ( ) peering over the shoulder of the trainer, glaring at the new addition to the team and waiting for an excuse to attack.

"WHAT." He challenged the dragon to assert itself with his tone just barely above a whisper and his distance from it less than two car lengths away. If it was so deadset on being a problem for him and the others now was its chance to act on its feelings. Sénon wasn't ignorant, with a quick snap of its jaws it could have bitten his head clean off his body but to tame a dragon, he had no choice but to take that risk.

For some reason other than the Gyarados ready to strike, it backed down and unable to bear his own frustrations with the Salamance, he returned it to its pokéball.

Flying and team coordination training gone to waste over one unruly pokémon. The landing had been an emergency stop in response to air commands gone wrong. Looking around and feeling no pride over what had just transpired the Kanto native realized he didn't even know exactly where he was. On the way down he was sure he'd seen that megaplex of a building, so he must have been just outside of Mauville.

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● notes: thanks for the open opportunity

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POSTED ON Sept 12, 2020 19:40:32 GMT
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[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD CHANSEY APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] NATURAL CURE
[attr="class","wildtabox"] TAKE DOWN
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] HEAL PULSE
[attr="class","wildtabox"] SOFT-BOILED
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] LIFE DEW
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] &

[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD SLURPUFF APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] SWEET VEIL
[attr="class","wildtabox"] WISH
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] PLAY ROUGH
[attr="class","wildtabox"] COTTON GUARD
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] STRING SHOT
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] &

[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 0:41:09 GMT
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the landing generated an almost obscene amount of noise, a pair of verdant gazes shifting to take in the sight of the uncoordinated party as they settled. they maintained some semblance of distance as they witnessed the spectacle - just enough to go unnoticed as the man addressed his companions directly. cait took in the sight of the unfamiliar stranger, immediately noting his crimson mane and it's impressive length.

his tattoos were equally intriguing, dark ink printed in elaborate patterns upon sun-kissed flesh. she surveyed his tall and lean build and appeared curious as she shared a glance with her rapidash who gave a dismissive snort.

how about we say 'hi', hm?

cait gave the pokemon a clever little smile, a familiar gleam in her eye as she moved to close the distance. her pace was casual, as though she wasn't in a particular hurry. she raised her hand and gave a call, announcing herself with cheer.


her rapidash trotted at her heel, the mare's nostrils slightly flared. 


her formerly somber mood was gone, replaced instead by mild delight. a handsome face always improved her state of mind - no matter how dour it had been. 

[ skippin' ] 

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POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 1:16:47 GMT
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Was it really a good idea to take an unruly creature to battle. To rely on such an uncooperative bond in war. He sighed deep and honest; with no flying-types to fill the void he didn't have much a choice. It seemed he was tempting fate in more than one way in the conflicts to come.

A sweet sound cut through his stoic mental gambits and he turned to see something beautiful of exotic colors, and her rapidash too.

He answered back with a "Good Morning!" of his own. Pensive as he had been he was all restrained smiles now. "If you can call that training." It wasn't his finest moment but if they lived long enough he was sure he'd be able to get through to the Dragon Pokémon and earn its favor.

It wasn't evil, it was just appropriately skeptical and unyielding in its expression of that skepticism.

So as not to invade the woman's space he took one step towards her but left the rest of the distance for her close. His Gyarados however had a less considerate sense of socializing. Noticing even the slightest bit of challenge in the Rapidash, it pushed forward to assert its boundaries to both the other females in proximity. The focal point of those boundries was her beloved trainer. It was fairly common behavior for a Gyarados. "HEYYYYYY" He grabbed onto her before she could get away by the corner of her mouth.

As affectionate as she could be, her territorial nature called for a firm hand and in this moment, a commanding voice.

With a snap of his fingers he focused her mind on him before pointing across the way to a Chancey going by. "ICE FANG." Like a serpent in water she slithered away quick and happily followed her own instincts and Senon's orders all at once biting down on the poor fairy. When it flinched unable to attack, heal, or run he threw out the next orders.

Chansey flinched!

"HYDRO PUMP!", he yelled across the distance. Blasting it down Senon fought off the feeling that he was being a bully. Chansey were common back home in Kanto, particularly on Mt. Moon. If you didn't absolute hit them with absolute attacks they would just heal and prolong any encounter they were a part of. "Use ICE FANG!", once more the "sea dragon" clamped down the Chansey with an icy-bite, this time freezing it solid. "Well that was lucky; you did very well." He placed a hand on her side to reinforced their bond.

Bringing the wild pokémon back and dropping her at his feet the redhead used two pokéballs; a fresh one to capture the Chansey and an occupied one to call back the Gyarados. "Sorry about the rough treatment..", he spoke with a bit of guilt to the frozen egg. "I'll get you to a pokémon center as soon as I can." Tapping it with the pokéball he finally turned his attention back to the tanned beauty.

Crimsen attempted to capture Chansey!

"That was super rude of me. She gets like that sometimes around other females. I think she wants me all to herself. Without a battle outlet she'll be wound up all day." He even bowed in recompense. "I'm Sénon." He extended his hand in a shake.

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● notes: sorry about the length =(

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POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 20:47:09 GMT
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"it's perfectly fine."

the equine had initially lowered her head, but the display was only meant to showcase her pointed horn as opposed to expressing submission. cait remained steadfast though stiffened within the serpent's presence, the curve of her lip twisting just so before she relaxed fully.

"that's just how females are. no matter their species."

she didn't fault the gyarados for her wariness, forgiveness coming easily. the young woman quickly returned her attention to the freshly introduced senon, his hand thrust forward in a familiar gesture of greeting. instead of simply accepting the hand and granting it a firm shake as was customary, her hand moved to gently position his palm skyward. delicate fingers would examine the flesh there, eager to discover if they were soft or callous. 

correct me if i'm wrong," she began, tentatively. "but you've been on the road for a while."

cait clicked her tongue, tilting her head lightly to the side.


eventually she'd press her palm against his, the touch gingerly applied as her fingers lightly curled and she smoothly rearranged their hands back into a formal shake.

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POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 21:24:41 GMT
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His attention to the young lady before him was only taken back for an instant as the Rapidash lowered its head seemingly a bow. Of course the look in its eyes when its head raised again suggested it was less of a bow and more of a warning. It was charming really, unlike his own Gyarados this pokémon was far more discreet and prim in regards to warding off other trainers.

His own bow had been an apology and not a greeting, the handshake was the greeting. It was a strange thing, the way she took his hand and inspected as if reading his fortune in a manner he'd never seen before. Her fingertips probing his palm wasn't an unwelcome sensation even if not prompted. She would find his hands were 'rough' but not dry, as maintained leather was. Smooth but not soft, as marble was. He found her inspection to be equal parts fascinating and rude, but there was an undeniable allure in how quickly and directly she broke the 'touch barrier' between the two of them.

It made him feel closer to her socially, though that closeness hadn't been earned on either side. Through simple touch he went from only having known her for seconds to feeling as though they met days ago.

"I.. " There was something in the way she toned phrased her question that suggested she wasn't asking about today in particular but about his life in general. For a second he began to see past her rather looking at her directly. It still hurt sometimes to think about; home, and why he was here instead of there. "I suppose I have." He put in effort to maintain his warmth, although it wasn't lost on him that his expression became a mark more pensive.

With nothing to fear and nothing to protect himself from he'd offered up the information she asked for although it was ruder still to ask not one but two questions without giving her name as he'd given his. "Affiliated." He said with a pointed emphasis on the word.

He wasn't one of their Leaders, Elites, Council-members or Champions.

Even his rank as Ranger felt like a suit that fit him but wasn't quite his 'style'.

As her hand eventually found its way interlocked with his own he wanted to ask her name but more than that, he wanted to know that she possessed the awareness that she hadn't introduced herself yet.

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POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 23:03:51 GMT
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a hint of amusement settled over her features, the girl releasing him from her grasp. 

i suppose the question is irrelevant nowadays," she admitted. "league, rocket or civilian...."

her brows furrowed lightly, as though she was mulling over a particular problem that had yet to be solved. this eventually smoothed over into a look of open acceptance, her shoulders shrugging lightly.

the enemy of my enemy - and all that," she said, followed by a dismissive wave of her hand. "we're all in the same boat nowadays.

the freshly started war caused all the region to messily cobble together; and while nothing formal involving the separate factions had occurred it was likely they'd all pick up arms to face their shared foe.

"i'm cait. and this here's rapidash. i'm league-affiliated as well. for now, at least. i left active duty a short while ago. i - "

her gaze flicked toward the city of mauville, her rush of words coming to a temporary halt. 

- i use to be mauville's gym leader.

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POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 23:06:54 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

Without trying she seemed to dig a little deeper into this psyche cause more of his darker truths to rise to the surface. So righteous, or perhaps self-righteous he was in his feelings about these truths he didn't hold back in sharing them with anyone. "You're wrong about that." It wasn't threatning, the way he said what he did, it was foreboding. "There is no boat big enough to carry Rocket and anyone else."

In his someteen months in recovery he'd heard; Rocket had been defeated, their leader killed, their hierarchy disbanded.

He wanted to believe it, and in resurfacing recently he hadn't found anything specific enough to question what he'd been told by the media. But to believe they were gone was to believe he'd lost his chance at revenge, at vindication. He owed them and they'd went gotten shut down before he could pay. Not setting things right for his team and his home, that was the part he couldn't let go of. "So its a blessing that they're all gone." He felt some guilt that he hated even saying such a thing, it was better for everyone if it was true, even for Sénon himself.

She finally introduced herself and it lacked the sweet scent of her tone when she called out to him. Something about the last bit made the air around them stuffy. If she was once the Gym Leader of Mauville that made her Katherine's predecessor; he'd begun studying up on the current Gym Leaders as soon he'd be taking them on. He'd even met a couple of them including Katherine.

She didn't seem sad about her distance from the League, from Mauville's Gym and maybe Mauville itself. Although she still clearly stuck close by, maybe the place was her home? "It's not easy to carry the burdens of an entire city on your shoulders." His gaze didn't break from her eyes, he was genuine in his condolence.

Quickly enough his natural impishness rose to the surface to rid them both of the uncertain gravity their conversation had taken on. "I'm sure your boyfriend must be overjoyed he doesn't have to worry about you spending more time at the gym than you do with him." He still hadn't broken eye contact, but his eyes were challenging and his mouth pulled into a restrained grin.

Just then, snaking up his back and revealing itself over the redhead's shoulder to peek out with a "doofy" smile... Gan. ( )

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POSTED ON Sept 13, 2020 23:53:57 GMT
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"bold of you to assume i have a man."

she had caught the underlying loathing that bubbled and frothed just beneath the surface of his well put together facade. her attention caught on it, her expression remaining fixed and seemingly uninterested - as though she had failed to notice. 

i've been single for the duration of my short-lived career," she admitted, almost mournfully. "the occasional one night stand here and there - and brief stints. but nothing too serious."

cait reached up absently toward her rapidash, her fingers running through that beautifully maintained mane - the oddly-colored creature remaining idle and almost statuesque.

"it's hard to find someone who's interested in a genuine relationship.

she decided against addressing his assumption of rocket's eradication. the woman was all-too aware of their existence, after all, and tip-toed purposefully around the subject. she'd rather he'd focus on something else entirely. 

far too many men and women are interested in a quick lay with no strings attached. which i'm not opposed to if i'm in the mood.

another light shrug and she pauses only to peer at the ditto, an amused look causing the corners of her lips to curve upwards.

and you, sénon? any luck?"  

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POSTED ON Sept 14, 2020 0:30:31 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

What started warm like a rising sun went chilled with somber winds and now was heating up again.

"Is it bold?" He crossed his arms as he stepped closer to her, willingly invading a bit of her space. "Or is it just nature?" She was stunning, plain and simple and it wasn't beyond the graces of his imagination that she could have her love and her life turned inside out by him. It was the simple spark of "what-if" that made any great connection possible.

Was it so uncommon for her to experience someone's bold approaches? Surely someone had made an attempt to be a more permanent fixture in her love-life. Maybe they just weren't what she was looking for, the disconnect of an unresponsive sixth sense all humans relied on when dealing with a potential lover.

"He/She just wasn't 'the one'."

It was a sentiment he understood and fell victim to himself even when he tried to logic himself beyond it.

It was refreshing how candid and forthcoming she was with her history, she carried no shame in her past dalliances which meant she stood by her decisions and made her choices wisely. "Well. . ." There was that grin again; even more restrained that before. "I'm feeling pretty lucky right now."

As she'd done to him just a moment before he took her hand gently enough into his own but rather than hold it up and study by feeling he opened her palm tracing his fingers this way and that way, studying it with his eyes.

Soon enough his eyes narrowed, as if noticing something strange. "Heh. I didn't expect to see that."

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POSTED ON Sept 14, 2020 1:12:35 GMT
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cait considers him quietly, allowing the man to examine her palm. the touch of a male wasn't unfamiliar to her - it was actually quite pleasant no matter how chaste or intimate. she was genuinely fond of physical displays of affection and this - in addition to his boldness - pleased her. the woman's eyes were leveled upon him as he 'worked', her own smile lessening slightly as she followed his gaze. 

she relaxed her hand as his finger brushed against her flesh.  

see what?"

there was a hint of laughter in her voice, a feigned impatience coloring her overall tone. he'd discover that her hands were, surprisingly, a touch callous. she had spent her lifetime working with earth or wood, the female maintaining gardens and ensuring shrines were properly built.

"taking a look at my future? i hope it's a good one."    

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POSTED ON Sept 14, 2020 1:17:10 GMT
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It was highly noticeable that her hands were calloused.

As his fingertips lingered and lined about her smaller palm each micro-groove and hardened bit of skin was a new sensation to his only slightly harder skin. He'd never met a woman with hands almost as defined by their work as his own. Given she was seemingly much younger it meant she worked hard at whatever it was she did when she wasn't running a Gym. Some lifelong passion or duty that defined her beyond their pokémon-centric society.

Sénon could relate although working with raw meats, vegetables, fruits, seasonings, knives, skillets and endless water meant his work kept his hands relatively moisturized. It was the kendo and kickboxing that had hardened his hands and given him a "thicker skin".

He could hear the humor in her voice as she went along with his obvious flirting rather than ramp up into over drive he stayed the steady course.

Even when her tone teased him to hurry, he stood his ground until he was ready to reveal. "In your future I see..." He stopped to look up at her. "Me." No longer restrained his grin gave way to an actual smile.

A smile so unyielding, it exposed the single dimple on his right cheek.

He couldn't explain the forces at work; wether it was luck, immaculate timing, 'animalistic' attraction or even magic. It was compulsive and it was in the atmosphere. Keeping her left hand in his left he leaned his face closer to her face.

Searching her eyes for a reason to pull away, he couldn't find one.

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POSTED ON Sept 14, 2020 2:54:07 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD LITLEO APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] RIVALRY
[attr="class","wildtabox"] NOBLE ROAR
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] CRUNCH
[attr="class","wildtabox"] TAKE DOWN
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] FIRE FANG
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] &

[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD DRIFBLIM APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] AFTERMATH
[attr="class","wildtabox"] PHANTOM FORCE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] SELF-DESTRUCT
[attr="class","wildtabox"] STRENGTH SAP
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] SHADOW BALL
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] &

[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

[attr="class","reward2"]SENON CAUGHT CHANSEY!
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POSTED ON Sept 14, 2020 6:08:49 GMT
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it was the sound of a squeaky roar which served as their interruption. with their faces hovering so closely, the barely acquaintances were on the cusp of allowing instinct to come into play. and she would have gladly indulged him, allowing for their lips to meet. but she pulled away only to peer in the direction of a small cub tumbling from the grass, the creature immediately tottering its way toward rapidash with a hungry gleam in its eye.

it was almost comical when she noticed the size disparity, quickly figuring out the little beast was hungry as a hint of drool dripped down its jaw. it hesitated only briefly some distance away from rapidash, fluffing itself up as it likely mulled over its chances of taking down the mare. 

it's a litleo! isn't it adorable?"

cait crooned at the sight of the scrawny creature, her personal weakness for children resulting in easy distraction. her rapidash's gaze narrowed upon the cub, though she didn't budge even as it sauntered up with bravado. 

don't kick him. you know he's just as young as that foal of yours. look how tiny he is. or she...?"

cait crouched, scowling lightly as she pondered over the babe's age. 

it's strange to see them without a pride. either they wandered off, their mother was prideless or a new male came into the picture."

she beckoned to it only for it to hiss at her, understandably distrustful of someone or something so unfamiliar.

i'd hate to leave it out here," she said, resettling her gaze upon senon whilst quirking a brow. "if you don't want him - i'll take him."

rapidash lowered her head toward the cub and gave a great snort, which caused the normal-type to back peddle and stumble clumsily.  

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